The Lone Star Grand Commandery, Order of the Knights Templar of Texas and its Jurisdiction, and Constituent Bodies, is hereby declared and defined to be a charitable institution that extends its charity or relief its members and to worthy persons in accordance with its adopted laws, rules and ancient customs. Therefore, Relief or Charity shall be paid to the estate of a Sir Knight, however, no debts, due bills, notes or obligations given by a Sir Knight in his life time shall be recognized by the Grand Commandery.
PURPOSE: The purpose of the Lone Star Grand Commandery, Order of the Knights Templar is to control and regulate the practice of Knights Templar Masonry throughout its jurisdiction, in accordance with immemorial usages of this Ancient and Honorable Order, and to advance the moral and social interests of its membership through honesty, industry, and upright living; to cultivate the exercise of charity in its best and broadest sense; to feed the hungry, clothe the naked and bind the wounds of the afflicted; to assist the Widows and Orphans of its deceased Sir Knights; to stimulate friendship, harmony and brotherly love and generally, to promote the happiness of mankind. It is a fraternity of good men, linked and bound together by honorable and unbreakable bonds of friendship and virtue, and to accomplish this noble purpose, it eschews all interest in fractional politics and sectarian religion and remains free from the dictation of both.
MISSION: The Lone Star Grand Commandery, Order of the Knights Templar of Texas is a non-profit organization which embodies an attractive system of morality, veiled in allegory, and illustrated by symbols. The fraternity, founded upon Christian principles established in the Holy Bible, strives to teach a man the duty he owes to God, his neighbor, and to himself; but interferes with neither religion nor politics as it prescribes the practice of virtue in the conduct of its business. The foundation is Character. Its purpose is Service. Its measure is giving. Making “Good Men Better” perpetuates its foundation. Its purpose is service, which is rendered to the people of Texas to improve their social, cultural, and economic conditions. This mission statement is promulgated by The Lone Star Grand Commandery, Order of the Knights Templar of Texas and Its Jurisdictions, Constituent Bodies, and the subordinate Commanderies owing obedience to the same, and by its Supreme Authority.